Andrew’s Goal to Provide Stability for his Clients
We do not just negotiate deals and walk away; we assist our clients throughout the lifecycle of a contract, including handling issues on agreements we did not negotiate.
We do not just negotiate deals and walk away; we assist our clients throughout the lifecycle of a contract, including handling issues on agreements we did not negotiate.
Outsourcing can be a very efficient and cost effective solution to some of your biggest headaches.
Using the matrix created in Step 1: Getting a Handle on Your Agreements, see if any of your communities are not offering a service or amenity that you believe would be beneficial.
I spent a ton of time and money figuring out how to create a business, from creating table entities to operations to marketing yourself and your business.
Are you considering installing a Bulk Internet service or add any other “amenity fee” on a property within the next 12 months? If so, read this tip.