Our Team
Ancillary Services ManagementOur Commitment To You

Andrew Smith
Mac or PC? PC
One Thing You’re Really Good At? Making my wife laugh
If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why? Jimmy Buffett – I have been a parrot head for several decades and have always wanted to hang out with him.
What’s on your bucket list? Travel the world
You’re happiest when? Chillin’ with friends

Marley Wright
Vice President of Business Development
Hometown? Ithaca, Michigan
Mac or PC? PC
One Thing You’re Really Good At? Cooking.
If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why? Kurt Cobain. I really like Nirvana and would love to hear Kurt’s reaction to Nirvana t-shirts being mass produced and sold at Target.
What’s on your bucket list? Travel the world.
You’re happiest when? I’m spending time with my family….bonus points if we’re eating something/somewhere fun!

Chris Moeller
Operations Manager
Mac or PC? Both
One Thing You’re Really Good At? Super Mario Bros.
If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why? Elon Musk, just to brainstorm with him and see if there’s something we can do about making re-sealable cereal bags a thing.
What’s on your bucket list? Hiking Peru’s Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.
You’re happiest when? When I pick up my son from daycare and he’s happy to see me.

Karen Summers
Director of Marketing
Mac or PC? Mac, everything Apple
One Thing You’re Really Good At? Interior design, and planning vacations
If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why? Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon together because I would not stop laughing.
What’s on your bucket list? Skiing all over the world and then relaxing on the best beaches in the world!
You’re happiest when? Making memories with my family and great friends.

Stacy Trivett
Director of Information Services
Mac or PC? PC, although I used a Mac in the very early days of it’s existence when I first learned how to hack code.
One Thing You’re Really Good At? Organizing Anything!
If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why? Albert Einstein, contemplation and discussion on our place in the universe
What’s on your bucket list? Camping at Yellowstone National Park and visiting every vineyard on the West Coast
You’re happiest when? Watching my kids play their favorite sport and coaching volleyball

Cory Mutchler
Hometown? Martinsburg, WV.
Mac or PC? Prefer Mac but use PC for work.
One Thing You’re Really Good At? Always selecting the exact right size of container to put leftovers in.
If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why? Anyone who could explain a great mystery. Like where Amelia Earhart’s plane ended up or what happened with Malaysia Airline Flight 370.
What’s on your bucket list? I’d like to own a hobby store. A local place that sells things people enjoy using.
You’re happiest when? Exploring new places. Old places are also fine as long as there’s ice cream.
We can do everything internally, so why should we hire ASM?
Save Time & Money
You may be doing everything, but what is it costing you?
- On ancillary programs overall?
- Meeting with potential providers?
- Reviewing contracts?
- Doing due diligence?
Are you looking at programs on a property as well as portfolio basis?
Are you giving yourself enough time to:
- Renew contracts before they expire?
- See if any other providers can offer a similar or better service?
How often do you look at each existing contract to determine if it needs modifying, renegotiating, or terminating and replacing with a new provider?
Are there delays in negotiating contracts and implementing programs because there isn’t enough time or other issues take precedence?
What kind of tracking system do you have in place?
Who is monitoring the revenue from each contract?
Are the payments reviewed to see if they are meeting expectations?
Who is handling the issues/problems when they arise?
Do you know when each contract expires?
Do you know what the typical offers are in the market at any given time?
What are you using as a reference point when negotiating or renegotiating an agreement?
Do you have an attorney reviewing each contract?
What happens when an employee leaves who was responsible for a particular contract or program?
ASM is the Answer
With an experienced team focused solely on negotiating and managing ancillary programs for the property management industry, ASM will allow you to focus on other important issues with the knowledge that professionals are taking care of your ancillary programs and addressing any of the issues listed above.